Minggu, 27 Maret 2011

Chinese Tradition

This morning me and my family did a Chinese tradition which is we pray and giving honor to my beloved grandfather and grandmother's cemetry. This tradition actually for Buddhism ceremony. In my family there are also Christian anda Catholic. But, they religious activity is not so thick. So all of us still do this tradition. 

Here are some photos of this event:
This is believed as money in the other world

Chinese Buddhism Funeral

Burning the tribute 

Shoes, clothes and many wierd things that made from paper
 which is believed we burn them to send to our family in the other world

Giving honor and pray

Believe it or not, I usually see many weird incident when we are doing this tradition. There is a tool which we use to asking permission to our beloved. In Buddhism, there is a belief that we summon the spirit of our beloved by asking a permission from a Great God in Buddhism called "Pak Kung". I don't really know what is His duty in heaven. After we got the the permission from Him, we can summon our beloved spirit. Here is the weird incident usually happened. Every we summon my grandfather and ask him "can we start this ceremony?" by using the asking permission tool he always say okay in first time but not so when we asking permission to leave. My father said maybe they want us to stay longer and have a talk to other family member. Especially in my grandma cemetery. We usually not so easy to get a permission to leave. My dad said she really likes when we are uniting and have a joke and do many other things. We look like having a picnic in my grandma cemetery X_X We usually make a tend to block the sunlight so we can stay longer. If we are too earlier to asking permission we can got 7 times of not permission. After we have a long chat, anda asking for a permission. They will give okay until every ceremony is done. So it is really funny you know.

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